This data set contains British-English ratings of meaning frequencies for 100 homonyms, i.e., words with multiple unrelated meanings (e.g., “money/ river bank”). The homonyms were selected based on both linguistic principles, dictionary entries, and subjective ratings, and they were carefully selected and validated for future studies examining meaning-frequency effects on homonym processing. Meaning frequencies were rated by 100 native British-English speakers (living throughout the UK) using the eDom norming procedure. For more information on the data, or to cite our work, see:
Maciejewski, G. & Klepousniotou, E., (2016). Relative Meaning Frequencies for 100 Homonyms: British eDom Norms. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 4(1), p.e6. DOI:
The data set consists of five .csv spreadsheets (Variables, Norms, Additional Meanings, Stimulus properties, & Participants) and an example of a norming trial in the .jpg format.
Contact: Greg Maciejewski (, Ekaterini Klepousniotou (