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Description: Training manuals were developed specific to the behavior change messages and study interventions for the treatment arm. Training manuals include activity-specific information and forms used by the promoter. There are two types of training manuals: trainer manuals are used by the trainer and contain notes, engagement strategies, answers keys and points to emphasize during the training (these were highlighted by a grey scale); the trainee manual serves as a workbook for the promoter to write notes and the take home as a reference when completing their responsibilities. The trainee versions are identical to the trainer version but don’t have answers or trainer tips included. Promoter trainings were split into two distinct activities for each treatment arm; a general two day training and an arm specific training that was 1- 4 days for single intervention arms and 5 days for combined intervention arms. The general training and trainee manual are in Kiswahili; however, the arm specific manuals are in English. Training manuals include the following: Active Control Training Manuals - In active control arms, which only had a promoter visit to measure the study child’s mid upper arm circumference (this occurred in all other arms), the arm specific training focused on preparing for the introductory community meeting, planning visits, monthly reporting responsibilities, MUAC measurements and referrals. The Water Treatment Training Manuals - The water arm training focused on teaching the promoters about the water key messages, visit scripts and supporting visual aids. The IPAAs were introduced to the water arm interventions (chlorine dispensers and bottled chlorine) and key concepts related to treatment and contamination. The procedure for refilling the chlorine dispenser and tracking this were reviewed, along with the process for distribution bottled chlorine. IPAAs were trained on chlorine testing and how to report the result of this test. In addition, to conducting the standard module (same as the active control visit) taking MUAC and making referrals. The Hygiene Training Manuals - The hygiene arm training focused on teaching the promoters s about the hygiene key messages, visit scripts and supporting visual aids. The promoters will also be introduced to the handwashing station (tippy tap), function, and maintenance. The promoters will lean key concepts of handwashing with soap at critical times and creating a supportive environment. The Sanitation Training Manuals - The sanitation arm training focused on teaching the IPAAs about the sanitation key messages, visit scripts and supporting visual aids. Promoters were introduced to the sanitation interventions (the potty, kipupu and latrine slab/cover), the concepts of contamination pathways and keeping all feces out of the family’s home environment. The Nutrition Training Manuals - The nutrition arm training focused on teaching the promoters about the nutrition key messages, visit scripts and supporting visual aids. Promoters were introduced to the concepts of early initiation, exclusive breast feeding, complementary feeding and supplementary feeding. Additionally the promoters were introduced to Lipid based Nutritional Supplements (Mwanzobora), and taught how to collect it from the health facility, deliver it to respondents and fill the reporting forms to track delivery. They were also trained on how to teach the mamas how to feed Mwanzobora to the child. The nutrition arm training also included a cooking demonstration to show the IPAAs how Mwanzobora can be added to foods like porridge. The nutrition training and materials also had an age based messaging, e.g. the topic was depending on the study child’s age. The WASH Training Manuals - The WASH training includes the components mentioned for the water, sanitation and hygiene arm-specific trainings. The training focused on the synergistic components of the interventions. The WASH –Nutrition Training Manuals - The WASH-N training includes the components mentioned for the water, sanitation, hygiene and nutrition arm-specific trainings. There was specific focus on the synergistic components of the interventions and special attention given to the age based messaging that the nutrition aspects required. This was done with the Nutrition Topic Guide.


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