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The NSCR COVID-19 behavior study
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Category: Project
Has supplemental materials for How common are high-risk coronavirus contacts? A video-observational analysis of outdoor public place behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
on PsyArXiv
Has supplemental materials for Mask-Wearing as a Predictor of Social Distancing Compliance in Public Settings: A Replication Note
on OSF Preprints
Has supplemental materials for Gender Differences in COVID-19 Face Mask Compliance: A Replication, Meta-Analysis, and Methods Validation
on OSF Preprints
Has supplemental materials for Face-touching behavior as a possible correlate of mask-wearing: A video observational study of public place incidents during the COVID-19 pandemic
on PsyArXiv
Has supplemental materials for Examining the Association Between Mask-Wearing and Hand-to-Face Touching: A Replication Study
on OSF Preprints
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