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**Probing Communication Induced Memory Biases in Preverbal Infants: Two Replication Attempts of Yoon, Johnson and Csibra (2008)** This paper has been published in Infant Behavior and Development for the special issue on 'Replication, Collaboration and Best Practices in Infancy Research': ______________________ *Please find all open materials and data below.* ______________________ **Data & R scripts** *Software needed: R studio.* Scripts to run analyses are in the 'Data & R scripts' folder, in sub-folders for each study and supplementary analyses. Each sub-folder has all the files you will need to run the scripts, so download any whole sub-folder in order to run a script. For the scene analysis scripts, the first portion of the script takes 1+ hours to run, so if you wish to run it quickly, in the script there is a quick version which loads another datafile that has already been through this process. For the SUPER-RAW data (all variables exported from Tobii Studio for all participants that even began the study) see "Experiment1_raw.tsv" and "Experiment2_raw.tsv". ______________________ **Participant information** This contains all participant demographic information, with all personal data removed. ______________________ **Pre-registration** This contains the As Predicted pre-registration documents for both experiments. ______________________ **Stimuli** *Hardware needed: PC to open .wmv files.* This contains all stimuli used in both experiments (.wmv) and example .mov files. ______________________ **Supplementary results** This contains all supplementary results, including graphs that were not included, and combined analyses across experiments. ______________________ **Paperwork** Information sheets, consent forms, demographic forms & UK CDI section used will be found here after peer review, as these are not anonymised. ______________________
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