#### **Subgroup 1: CURE-FAIR Definitions**
**[Join Subgroup][1]**
The aim of Subgroup 1: CURE-FAIR Definitions is to provide a broader understanding of what it means to curate research artifacts (e.g., data, code, software) for the purposes of supporting research reproducibility in the context of FAIR principles.
To achieve this aim, this subgroup is charged with the following tasks:
- Identify existing definitions of curation for reproducibility;
- Align definitions of curation for reproducibilty to FAIR principles; and
- Address incongruencies between definitions of curation for reproducibility and FAIR principles
The subgroup will produce a report that summarizes existing definitions of curation for reproducibility and the degree to which these definitions align with FAIR principles.
**Subgroup 1 Lead:** Thu-Mai Christian
**Subgroup 1 meets via Zoom every 2 weeks (to be scheduled). Notes, resources, and other Subgroup 1 materials can be accessed via [OSF][2] or [Google Drive][3].**
[1]: https://bit.ly/35lHj34
[2]: https://osf.io/74hk5/
[3]: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1j4DQO2q-AF0r7GAc17WmkVes9fcKVo9w?usp=sharing