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**NOTE: this version was used for the CuRIOUS 2022 MICCAI Challenge For further research, a more comprehensive dataset including tumor, cavity, falx, and sulci labels will be available at** This dataset contains segmentations for the RESECT dataset [1]. The tumor and resection cavity annotations can be freely used by research laboratories as well as clinical institutes. However, gaining any financial benefits from the distribution of the proposed annotation dataset is prohibited. If you use this data in your research, please cite the annotation dataset publication [2]. The dataset is published under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. The corresponding RESECT ultrasound images are available at **For using the dataset, please cite the following publications:** *Details for the RESECT database*: [1] Y. Xiao, M. Fortin, G. Unsgård, H. Rivaz, I. Reinertsen, "REtroSpective Evaluation of Cerebral Tumors (RESECT): A clinical database of pre-operative MRI and intra-operative ultrasound in low-grade glioma surgeries". Medical Physics, vol. 44 no. 7 pp. 3875-3882, May 2017. *Details regarding the segmentations included in this data repository:* [2] B. Behboodi, F.X. Carton, M. Chabanas, S. De Ribaupierre, O. Solheim, B.K.R. Munkvold, H. Rivaz, Y. Xiao, I. Reinertsen, "RESECT-SEG: Open access annotations of intra-operative brain tumor ultrasound images", arXiv:2207.07494.
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