**Original citation:** Beaman, C.P., Neath, I., & Suprenant, A.M. (2008). Modeling Distributions of Immediate Memory Effects: No Strategies Needed? Journal of Experimental Psychology: LMC, 34 (1), 219 - 239.
**Target of replication:** We aimed to replicate the finding that short words are remembered better than long words. In particular, participants had to remember 40 lists of eight words and were asked to indicate the order in which they saw the array of eight words. Each word was presented on the computer screen for one second. (Experiment 2 in original article)
**A priori replication criteria**: No straightforward criteria for a successful replication were set because the original author did not report the relevant test-statistics. We compared the effect sizes of the original study and the replication and used this as criterion for the success of our replication.
**Conclusions**: We were not able to replicate the original findings in the sense that the effect sizes did not fall within each others 95% CIs. The direction of the original effect, as well as a language-matched version, however, showed that our study came close to the findings of the original.
*The full report, data, R scripts, and all stimuli used in this replication can be found in the supporting materials.*