Please note that for some functions the Rds files need to be edited to show the full paths to the Design files: *rmapfile*, *baitmapfile*, *nperbinfile*, *nbaitsperbinfile* and *proxOEfile*. The rmap and baitmap used to generate the full set of Design files are available in this OSF repository (see Design files: HindIII GWAS all HaCaT/MyLa baits).
For example, in R:
cd_hacat@settings$rmapfile <- "user/chicago/designDir/GRCh37_HindII.rmap"
For these CHiCAGO Rds files, both replicates per cell line were provided in the same CHiCAGO command. CHiCAGO was run using all baits within the full baitmap for each respective cell line (HaCaT and MyLa).