The ZIP file features all PSE picture cues described in Schultheiss and Pang (2007). All picture files feature the same names as those provided in Table 19.1 of that chapter.
Please use these picture names when re-using them in your own research.
Please provide the following source information for these pictures:
Schultheiss, O. C., & Pang, J. S. (2007). Measuring implicit motives. In R. W. Robins, R. C. Fraley & R. Krueger (Eds.), *Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology* (pp. 322-344). New York: Guilford.
If you want to dig deeper, the chapter also provides original sources for those pictures in the table that have been described in earlier work (see references at bottom of Table 19.1). In case of doubt, use these attributions instead of the reference given above if you want to properly cite the origin of those pictures.
Thanks, and have fun collecting and coding stories!
OCS, March 2019