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The files below allows you to re-run the sensor and source level analysis reported in the paper. The folder also contains the scripts used to create the stimuli and run the experiment, as well as two example sequences for the test and control conditions. The folder "sensor_level" contains the ERF for each participants ("data_m"), the ERF data averaged over the spatio-temporal points belonging to the significant cluster ("data_r") and the scripts used to analyze the sensor level data ("scripts"). In "sensor_level/scripts", there the codes to perform the statistical analysis and create the images reported in the paper for both the test and control conditions ("stats_plot_test.m" & "stats_plot_control.m"). Analysis of the interaction effects and box plots are done in "analysis_interaction_data.R" The folder "source_level" contains the scripts and data used to create the figures about source reconstruction. "source_level/data" contains the ROI data of each participant. "source_level/scripts/sourcerec_plot_roi.m" contains the script used to created the ROI plots reported in the manuscript. The folder "source_level/data" also contains a nii file reflecting the source maps of the omission response network, which has been plotted using the Surf Ice tool ( In order to rerun the analysis and create the images, you only need to specify the directories and upload the corresponding fieldtrip version. The folder "stimuli" contains the code used to create the auditory stimuli and run the experiment (both test and control conditions), as well as two example sequences for the test and control conditions ("example_trials").
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