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There are two files in this component: 1. ****: non-preprocessed, raw eye-tracking data in the form of .edf files (one file per participant). 2. **experiment1_data.csv**: pre-processed eye-tracking data with computed reading measures. This file contains data from all participants. It is the file necessary to run the analysis script. Information included in **experiment_data.csv**: - **list**: Latin-square list number - **participant**: Participant ID - **item**: experimental item ID - **condition**: experimental conditions numbered from 1-4 - **order**: order of occurrence of a trial in the experiment - **region**: region label (region delimitations are specified in the manuscript) - **text**: Spanish text contained within each region - **questionaccuracy**: response accuracy for each item; 1 for correct responses, 0 for incorrect responses, NA for missing data - **measure**: reading eye-tracking measure. Although only three measures were analyzed in the article, the most common eye-tracking measures are included in the data file for researchers interested in exploratory analyses - **value**: observed value of each eye-tracking measure - **experimentalaccuracy**: accuracy across all the experimental items for each participant - **experiment**: experiment ID (= 1). - **trial**: trial ID, obtained by joining participant and item IDs - **regionlength**: length of each region measured in number of characters (including white spaces) - **grammaticality**: either "grammatical" or "ungrammatical" - **subject**: number of the relative-clause subject head - **attractor**: number of the attractor noun; either "singular" or "plural"
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