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This repository was prepared by Naomi Baes and contains the companion scripts for the manuscript titled "xx” by Nick Haslam and Naomi Baes. ___________________________________ **Integrated Development Environment**: R Studio **Programming Languages (across scripts)**: - R (version 4.2.2) (`.R`) - Python (version 3.11.4) (`.py`) *Note*: Spartan, the University of Melbourne’s general purpose hybrid high performance computing system (Lafayette et al., 2016), was used to preprocess the corpus data (although this preprocesing can easily be conducted on a remote desktop given its simplicity). `.slurm` scripts pertain to job submissions on the high-performance computing system/cluster. Lafayette, L., Sauter, G., Vu, L., & Meade, B. (2016). Spartan performance and flexibility: An hpc-cloud chimera. OpenStack Summit, Barcelona, 27. ____________________________________ Article citation: xx
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