The PSA endorses the CREDIT [taxonomy][1], which outlines 14 different ways someone can contribute to a project. We implemented the CREDIT taxonomy for PSA001 social faces to highlight the numerous ways PSA members contributed to make this project happen.
All PSA001 project members received a link to a Google Form asking them to provide self-nominations as to whether, for each of the 14 dimensions of CREDIT, they played a leading role, a supporting role, or did not contribute.
To make a figure that visualizes this information, we adapted a format suggested by [Steinmetz][2].
This component contains:
* `PSA001_CREDIT.xlsx`: An Excel file containing the PSA001 team member CREDIT self-nominations, sorted by listed authorship order. These data were collected by Google Form
* `PSA001_CREDIT_change_request_form.csv`: A csv containing any corrections team members wished to make after the initial draft of the figure was created. These data were collected by Google Form
* `CREDIT_figure.R`: The R code necessary to create the CREDIT figure
* `CREDIT_figure.png`: A higher-resolution version of the figure than is displayed in the paper preprint