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This folder contains the **output of the linear mixed-effects models** (LMEM) for the whole data-set and the reduced data-sets (HPP5, HPP4, HPP3, and HPP2; included in subdirectories). * `00_data-raw.csv`: merged data from the four original studies, with information about the number of HPP visits for each infant. Two data points are included per baby: one for looking times to familiar test items, on for looking times to novel test items. * `01_data-processed.csv`: clean data, ready for analyses. * `02_results-effects.csv`: predicted mean looking times by the model (across participants). * `02_results-lmem.csv`: output of the LMEM, including coefficients, test statistics, estimated degrees of freedom, 95% confidence intervals, and *p*-values. * `03_anova-merged.csv`: Merged results of the LMEMs fitted on the original and reduced data-sets. This file is used for generating the Appendix A, Section 4. These files are included in each of the subdirectories for the original and reduced data-sets.
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