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In order to run this experiment using the materials/code provided to us by the authors you will need to use either [Matlab][1] or [Octave][2] with the [Psychtoolbox][3]. Octave is a free version of Matlab and Psychtoolbox is also free. Matlab can be quite expensive, but some universities will have access to this program. If you don't use it in your own department, check with people in computer science, biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and other related departments. Matlab is more common in these fields. Using the materials/code from Kool et al with Matlab and Psychtoolbox should be straightforward for a person with previous experience using these programs. Octave is made to primarily run on Linux and other similar systems. If you have that type of system, it should be straightforward. However, it is possible to download and install Octave on both Windows ([installation information][4]) and Mac OS ([installation information][5]). Our experiense, so far, is that it is not a smooth process to install a working version of Octave and Psychtoolbox on Windows. We have not tried it with Mac OS at this point. If you have experience using Matlab, Octave, and/or Psychtoolbox for Windows or Mac and are willing to help us with this part of the project please e-mail us ( or [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]:
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