# Talian
In the 19th century, many Italians immigrated to North and South America. In Brazil, they first settled in the southeastern region, where many were employed in coffee farms. Later, other immigrants settled in the southern region (especially in the southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul), where they were offered land (through government loans) but faced harsh conditions to farm it. As time went by, a variety of Veneto, Brazilian Veneto, developed in the area(s) where the immigrants settled. Speakers refer to this variety as Talian.
Although Talian is spoken in several areas of Brazil, our main focus is on a region called Italian Immigration Area (IIA), the area of Rio Grande do Sul where Italian immigrants arrived first. The photo shown here was taken in the town of Antônio Prado.
For more information on the corpus itself, visit [`nataliaguzzo.github.io/talian`](https://nataliaguzzo.github.io/talian)
## Latest updates
- July 2024: improved transcription of word-final nasals