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Psychological Item Pool for Corona Outbreak (PIPCO)
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Category: Project
Description: Psychological Item Pool for Corona Outbreak (PIPCO) contains a variety of self-constructed items and items that were adapted from existing scales in order to measure the psychological and social effects of COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus). The PIPCO items were first used in the long-term Bochum Berlin Covid-19 Study (previously called "Covid-19-Psych"), which is a measurement burst daily diary study. Please note that this item pool does not cover all items used in the study Bochum Berlin Covid-19 Study. The original items are in German. This document also presents a first English version of all items. The PIPCO items can be used for research purposes freely. PIPCO is published under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Consequently, PIPCO may not be used for commercial purposes. For non-commercial purposes, PIPCO may be used, shared and adapted as long as appropriate credit is given to the original authors. We encourage others who use PIPCO to provide a link to this original material, and to indicate if changes were made. For questions regarding the use of these items, the original PIPCO authors should be consulted.