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Retrospective and prospective Hindsight Bias: Replications and extensions of Fischhoff (1975) and Slovic and Fischhoff (1977)

Notice regarding replication of Fischhoff (1977). In consultation with the original lead author and the editor we removed the descriptions and analysi...

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Self-interest is overestimated: Two successful pre-registered replications of Miller and Ratner (1998)

2019 Replication of Miller & Ratner (1998) coordinated by Gilad Feldman

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Revisiting the decoy effect: replication and extension of Ariely and Wallsten (1995) and Connolly, Reb, and Kausel (2013)

In this project, we replicate and extend two studies investigating the decoy effect.

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Outcome bias in evaluations of ethical decisions: Replication and extensions of Gino, Moore, and Bazerman (2009)

Outcome bias is the phenomenon whereby decisions which resulted in positive outcomes are rated more favorably than when the same decisions resulted in...

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Weinstein 1980 Replication and Extension

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Revisiting the impact of singularity on the Identified Victim Effect: Replication and extension of Kogut and Ritov (2005a) Study 2

The identified victim effect is the phenomenon in which people tend to contribute more to identified than to unidentified victims. Kogut and Ritov (20...

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The complex misestimation of others’ emotions: Underestimation of emotional prevalence versus overestimation of emotional intensity and their associations with well-being

Jordan et al. (2011) demonstrated that people underestimated the prevalence of others’ negative emotional experiences and that these were associated w...

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