*school*: School id
*t1teatcher*: Teacher id
*obs_id*: Observation id
*observer*: Observer id
*obs1* to *obs7*: Dummy variables for observers
*lssn*: Unit and lesson type
*connct*, *prctc*, *applt*: Dummy variables for lesson type
*mmg_4_pct* to *synht_4*: Quality of delivery indicators scored from 0 to 1
*z_climate*: Standardized teacher-level students' perception of the learning environment
*mmg* to *sy*: Quality of delivery indicators in original metric (1 to 5)
*teach_mmg_p*: Teacher average imputed growth-minded messages.
*teach_mmg_act*: Teacher average growth-minded messages (no imputation).
*teach_synth*: Teacher average overall quality of delivery (no imputation).
*teach_fp_p*: Teacher average imputed process feedback.
*teach_fp_act*: Teacher average process feedback (no imputation).
*teach_saa_p*: Teacher average imputed engagement in activities.
*teach_saa_act*: Teacher average engagement in activities (no imputation).
*teach_sct_p*: Teacher average imputed engagement in conceptual thinking.
*teach_sct_act*: Teacher average engagement in conceptual thinking (no imputation).
*idx*: For Year 1 teachers, this is their average overall quality score. For Years 2-4 teachers, this is their average across overall quality and teaching practices. That is, idx is an index that only includes non-missing data for each teacher.
*idx2*: Average across overall quality (non-missing) and imputed teaching practices.
**Student outcomes datasets**
*t1teatcher*: Teacher id
*studyid*: Student id
*item*: Item name
*score*: Item response
*time*: 0 = baseline, 1 = endline
*idx2*: Quality of delivery index
*dose_unit*: Number of units delivered by a teacher (0 to 5)