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For each participant and each task, a data file was created. These data are in white-space separated text format. The tasks were: number Stroop, arrow flanker, Simon, antisaccade, local, and negative compatibility tasks as well as three updating tasks with either letters, digits or words as material. For the sake of anonymity, demographic data as well as time and day data are not reported. The column names for each task are listed below: 1. `number Stroop`: "subj","age", "age_group", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "counterbalancing_battery", "block", "trialtype", "counterbalancing", "congruency", "stimulus", "xr", "r", "corr", "corrafter", "rt" 2. `arrow flanker`: "subj","age", "age_group", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "counterbalancing_battery", "block", "trialtype", "counterbalancing", "congruency", "stimulus", "xr", "r", "corr", "corrafter", "rt" 3. `Simon`: "subj","age", "age_group", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "counterbalancing_battery", "block", "trialtype", "congruency", "stimulus", "stimulusposition", "xr", "r", "corr", "corrafter", "rt" 4. `local`: "subj","age", "age_group", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "counterbalancing_battery", "block", "trialtype", "task", "congruency", "stimulus", "xr", "r", "corr", "corrafter", "rt" 5. `negative compatibility`: "subj","age", "age_group", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "counterbalancing_battery", "block", "trialtype", "task", "fixationtiming", "blank1timing", "prime", "primetiming", "target", "targetposition", "targettiming", "congruency", "xr", "r", "corr", "corrafter", "rt" 6. `antisaccade`: "subj","age", "age_group", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "counterbalancing_battery", "congruency", "block", "trialtype", "fixationtiming", "flashposition", "flashtiming", "stimulus", "stimulusposition", "stimulusduration", "nextstimulusduration", "stimulustiming", "masktiming", "xr", "r", "corr", "corrafter", "rt" 7. `letter updating`: "subj","trial", "updatingstep", "frame", "cti", "frame1", "frame2", "frame3", "corr", "rt", "response" 8. `digit updating`: "subj","trial", "updatingstep", "frame", "cti", "frame1", "frame2", "frame3", "corr", "rt", "response" 9. `word updating`: "subj", "trial", "updatingstep", "frame", "cti", "frame1", "frame2", "frame3", "corr", "rt", "response", "updword", "updwordcat", "updcond"
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