Before using staRt, clinicians are encouraged to review some or all of the below training materials.
- [Video walkthrough of staRt app tutorial][1]: Introduces the visual-acoustic biofeedback display used in staRt.
*The following materials were developed in collaboration with Elaine Hitchcock (Montclair State University) and Jonathan Preston (Syracuse University) as part of the project Correcting Residual Errors with Spectral, ULtrasound, Traditional Speech therapy Randomized Controlled Trial (C-RESULTS RCT; NIH R01DC017476; identifier NCT03737318).* For the two modules that provide detailed information about how to cue the /ɹ/ sound clinically, the Powerpoint has been augmented into a screencast video with voiceover narration.
- [How r is produced][2]: Overview of articulatory requirements for perceptually accurate English /r/.
- [Visual-acoustic technology][3]: Overview of technology and principles used in visual-acoustic biofeedback.
- [Motor-based treatment for r \[version with narration\]][4]: Overview of traditional (non-biofeedback) treatment for /r/; includes cueing strategies that can be used in the context of biofeedback. [Link to version without narration][5].
- [Visual-acoustic treatment for r \[version with narration\]][6]: Overview of the clinical use of visual-acoustic biofeedback in /r/ treatment. [Link to version without narration][7].