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The mental lexicon is defined as a container of all the information about the meaning of a lexical piece and all its characteristics. Regarding the semantic dimension, this lexicon helps to describe the relationships between individual concepts as members of conceptual domains. Studies on the processing, functional, and social distribution of spoken languages and signed languages suggest partial overlaps between them. However, factors such as ontogenetic development, language acquisition conditions, the development of deaf culture, conceptual domains concreteness, and the lexical repertoire available in each linguistic modality could suggest important differences. The objective of this study is to explore the semantic networks of the conceptual domains of space and time in the Uruguayan deaf signers population and Spanish hearers. 62 participants will be called for carrying out a word association task in their respective languages and with semantically equivalent lexical items. Two kinds of analysis will be done: semantic network and categorical-semantic analysis for understanding (i) the structure of the mental lexicon and (ii) the concrete / abstract profile of the relation between clues and associate pieces.
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