This folder includes all the necessary data and code to reproduce the calculation and figures in the main paper and appendix. To run the code you need to have [Quarto][2] installed. All code is also available in a rendered html where it can be copied and run without installing Quarto.
- The `/data` folder contains all the necessary data and trained models to run the script.
They are 6 different scripts:
- `Crash_code.qmd` contains a quarto (RMarkdown) file that reads the CRASH-3 data, trains random forest and logistic regression models and plots the heatmaps. We recommend rendering the file to see the HTML version or check the `crash_code.pdf` file.
- `IST_code.qmd` contains a quarto (RMarkdown) file that reads the IST data, trains random forest and logistic regression models and plots the heatmaps. We recommend rendering the file to see the HTML version or check the `ist_code.pdf` file.
- `functions_paper.R` is a script with all the functions that are used across all the scripts.
- `papers_OSF.qmd` is a code that includes all calculus and figures generated in the main paper (except the heatmaps for CRASH-3 and IST datasets).
- `simulation_algorithm.R` is the script that generates the simulations. For details see **Appendix Simulation algorithm**.
- `illustration_1.R` presents the code for figure S19 and was added based on reviewer's comments.
If you find any error or you find difficulties running the code send me a message at lasai.barrenadataleb[at] or in X ([@LasaiBarrenada][1])