**A. Analyses Scripts**
*mak_RawStartle.R*: R script to create mean raw startle variables from trial level data files. Uses mSTL_Trial20_100.dat and bSTL_Trial20_100.dat and produces RawStartle.dat
*mak_RawStartle_SplitHalf.R*: R script to create mean raw startle variables coded by even/odd trials from trial level data file. Uses mSTL_Trial20_100.dat and produces RawStartle_SplitHalf.dat
*mak_StandardizedStartle.R*: R script to create mean standardized startle variables from trial level data files. Uses mSTL_Trial20_100.dat and bSTL_Trial20_100.dat and produces StandardizedStartle.dat
*mak_StandardizedStartle_SplitHalf.R*: R script to create mean standardized startle variables coded by even/odd trials from trial level data file. Uses mSTL_Trial20_100.dat and produces RawStartle_SplitHalf.dat
*mak_RawPotentiation.R*: R script to create primary raw startle potentiation (difference score) DV from raw startle data file. Uses RawStartle.dat and produces RawStartlePotentiation.dat
*mak_RawPotentiation_SplitHalf.R*: R script to create primary raw startle potentiation (difference score) DV coded by even/odd trials from split half raw startle data file. Uses RawStartle_SplitHalf.dat and produces RawStartlePotentiation_SplitHalf.dat
*mak_StandardizedPotentiation.R*: R script to create primary standardized startle potentiation (difference score) DV from raw startle data file. Uses StandardizedStartle.dat and produces StandardizedStartlePotentiation.dat
*mak_StandardizedPotentiation_SplitHalf.R*: R script to create primary standardized startle potentiation (difference score) DV coded by even/odd trials from split half raw startle data file. Uses StandardizedStartle_SplitHalf.dat and produces StandardizedStartlePotentiation_SplitHalf.dat
*mak_PercentPotentiation.R*: R script to create primary percent change startle potentiation DV from raw startle data file. Uses RawStartle.dat and produces PercentStartlePotentiation.dat
*mak_PercentPotentiation_SplitHalf.R*: R script to create primary percent change startle potentiation DV coded by even/odd trials from split half raw startle data file. Uses RawStartle_SplitHalf.dat and produces PercentStartlePotentiation_SplitHalf.dat
*ana_ManipulationChecks_RawStartle.R*: R script to perform manipulation checks of effects of the threat of shock manipulation and the four primary IVs on raw startle. Uses RawStartle.dat
*ana_ManipulationChecks_Supplemental.R*: R script to perform manipulation checks of the BAC manipulation, shock tolerance manipulation, and effects of the four primary IVs on self-reported fear/anxiety. Uses Supp.dat and RawStartle.dat
*ana_RawPotentiation.R*: R script to perform main analyses of effects of the four primary IVs on raw startle potentiation. Uses RawPotentiation.dat
ana_StandardizedPotentiation.R: R script to perform main analyses of effects of the four primary IVs on standardized startle potentiation. Uses StandardizedPotentiation.dat
*ana_PercentPotentiation.R*: R script to perform main analyses of effects of the four primary IVs on percent change startle potentiation. Uses PercentPotentiation.dat
*ana_Reliability.R*: R script to perform analysis of split-half reliability of startle potentiation for each quantification approach. Uses RawPotentiation_SplitHalf.dat, StandardizedPotentiation_SplitHalf.dat, and PercentPotentiation_SplitHalf.dat
*ana_Validity.R*: R script to perform analysis of validity of startle potentiation for each quantification approach assessed via correlation with self-reported fear/anxiety. Uses RawPotentiation_SplitHalf.dat, StandardizedPotentiation_SplitHalf.dat, PercentPotentiation_SplitHalf.dat, and Supp.dat.
**B. Data**
*bSTL_Trial20_100.dat*: Processed trial level general startle reactivity at baseline startle data file produced by our matlab toolbox Physbox (Curtin, 2011) scripts. Note: we plan to share these scripts in future open science projects
*mSTL_Trial20_100.dat*: Processed trial level main task startle data file produced by our matlab toolbox Physbox (Curtin, 2011) scripts. Note: we plan to share these scripts in future open science projects
*Supp.dat*: Data file with ID and other supplemental variables (Sex, Age, BAC, Self-reported Fear/Anxiety, Shock level)
*RawStartle.dat*: Data file of mean raw startle variables made from mSTL_Trial20_100.dat and mSTL_Trial20_100.dat using mak_RawStartle.R
*RawStartle_SplitHalf.dat*: Data file of mean raw startle variables coded by even/odd trials made from mSTL_Trial20_100.dat and mSTL_Trial20_100.dat using mak_RawStartle_SplitHalf.R
*StandardizedStartle.dat*: Data file of mean standardized startle variables made from mSTL_Trial20_100.dat and mSTL_Trial20_100.dat using mak_StandardizedStartle.R
*StandardizedStartle_SplitHalf.dat*: Data file of mean standardized startle variables coded by even/odd trials made from mSTL_Trial20_100.dat and mSTL_Trial20_100.dat using mak_StandardizedStartle_SplitHalf.R
*RawStartlePotentiation.dat*: Data file of primary raw startle potentiation (difference score) DV made from RawStartle.dat using mak_RawPotentiation.R
*RawStartlePotentiation_SplitHalf.dat*: Data file of primary raw startle potentiation (difference score) DV coded by odd/even trials made from RawStartleSplitHalf.dat using mak_RawPotentiation_SplitHalf.R
*StandardizedStartlePotentiation.dat*: Data file of primary standardized startle potentiation (difference score) DV made from StandardizedStartle.dat using mak_StandardizedPotentiation.R
*StandardizedStartlePotentiation_SplitHalf.dat*: Data file of primary standardized startle potentiation (difference score) DV coded by odd/even trials made from StandardizedStartle_SplitHalf.dat using mak_StandardizedPotentiation_SplitHalf.R
*PercentPotentiation.dat*: Data file of primary percent change startle potentiation DV made from RawStartle.dat using mak_PercentPotentiation.R
*PercentPotentiation_SplitHalf.dat*: Data file of primary percent change startle potentiation DV coded by odd/even trials made from RawStartle_SplitHalf.dat using mak_PercentPotentiation_SplitHalf.R
**C. Other**
*VariableKey.pdf*: Cheat sheet explaining naming conventions for startle variables
If you plan to use the data or other materials in this archive in manuscript for publication, we request that you:
A. Contact the senior author (John Curtin, jjcurtin@wisc.edu) to inform him of your plans.
B. Cite both the original manuscript from Psychophysiology and this digital archive:
Bradford, D.E., Starr, M.J., Shackman, A.J., Curtin, J. J. (in press). Empirically-based comparisons of reliability and validity for common quantification approaches for eyeblink startle potentiation in humans. *Psychophysiology*
Bradford, D.E., Starr, M.J., Shackman, A.J., Curtin, J. J. (2015, September 1). Empirically-based comparisons of reliability and validity for common quantification approaches for eyeblink startle potentiation in humans (Data and study materials). Retrieved from osf.io/5nfvu/
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All components of this project, [Empirically-based comparisons of the reliability and validity of common quantification approaches for eyeblink startle potentiation in humans (Data and study materials)](http://dionysus.psych.wisc.edu)
by [Daniel E. Bradford, Mark J. Starr, Alexander J. Shackman, and John J. Curtin](http://dionysus.psych.wisc.edu) are licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">Empirically-based comparisons of the reliability and validity of common quantification approaches for eyeblink startle potentiation in humans (Data and study materials)</span> by <a xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" href="http://dionysus.psych.wisc.edu/" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Daniel E. Bradford, Mark J. Starr, Alexander J. Shackman, and John J. Curtin</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.
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