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This project contains raw (Matlab) data from an orientation discrimination task with confidence ratings. On each trial, observers viewed a luminance-modulated grating embedded in white noise and made a decision about the grating's tilt (-45 or 45 degrees of vertical) and their confidence (high or low). Two MATLAB scripts are provided. harvest_behave.m will loop through each participant's folder and read in their data from each of their blocks and concatenate everything into one big table. analyzeAndPlot.m requires the output or harvest behave to be in the MATLAB workspace and will compute means, perform statistical tests, run a Bayesian model of metacognitive behavior (requires Steve Fleming's HMeta-d model to be working and in the MATLAB path), and will generate plots as reported in the manuscript (PDF). Note that for the scripts to work, paths will need to be updated in a few places. Download the raw data folder and unzip it. The scripts use to run the task in PsychToolbox are also provided.
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