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How to edit the Wiki


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@[toc](Editing the OSF Wiki) --- # OSF link for wiki editing The guide at the end of this [link][1] will likely be updated on a regularly basis and is a good place to start. The information below this section can help with specific instances or finding additional tips on putting information into the wiki. --- # Making tables the easy way The Wiki guide shows how to manually type in tables into the Wiki. However, there is a [Markdown table generator][2], which is a bit easier in the initial construction of the table. [Table maker link][3] I generally just set the table dimensions under `Table>Set Size` and then press generate to make the table. The code can then be copied directly into the Wiki frame. Then type your data into the table. There is no need for the elements of the table to be aligned as you type. --- # Equations and chemical formula formatting Inserting equations can happen in two ways: In-line and in a separate line. Equations are written in [MathJax syntax][4] ## In-line equations In-line equations are those that are done in the paragraph text such as: The equation for a the area of a circle is $\pi \times r^2$. The code for this is: The equation for the area of a circle is $\pi \times r^2$ In-line equations are preceded and ended with `$` and typed in-line with the desired text. You will notice that the Greek letter $\pi$ is preceded by a `\`. Capital Greek letters can be shown as well $\Pi$ or `$\Pi$` in the code. ## Separate area equations For equations that you want to set apart the from the text use `$$` before and after your equations. Example: $$ pH = pK_A + log\frac{B}{A} $$ Code: $$ pH = pK_A + log\frac{B}{A} $$ ## Chemical formulas Adding supercripts and subscripts can be performed using MathJax or HTML language. Na<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> is written as: Na<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> Where the `sub` tag is opened and closed. A similar code exists for superscripts. $\Delta$G<sup>O</sup> is written by: $\Delta$G<sup>0</sup> which is a combination of MathJax and HTML. --- # General editing codes ## Common MathJax code [MathJax syntax][5] **Note:** all examples can be done in-line (`$`) or as separate equations (`$$`). **Fractions** $$ \frac{1+4}{5} $$ $$ \frac{1+4}{5} $$ **Exponents** $$ 10^{10} not 10^10 $$ $$ 10^{10} not 10^10 $$ **combined super and subscripts** $$ pK_A^2 $$ $$ pK_A^2 $$ **long super/subscripts** $$ Use_{braces} $$ $$ Use_{braces} $$ OR Use<sub>tags</sub> Use<sub>tags</sub> ### Greek letters Greek letters are shown in-line or separately using a preceding `\` followed by the letter name. If the name is in lowercase it will be in lower case, for some letters, the name starting in uppercase produces the uppercase version however this is not consistent. See this guide from Overleaf for a [list of Greek letter code][6]. **Note:** not all greek letters will be functional. $$A, \alpha, E, \epsilon, Z, \zeta, \Delta, \delta, B, \beta$$ $$A, \alpha, E, \epsilon, Z, \zeta, \Delta, \delta, B, \beta$$ ### Symbols and arrows In addition to equations and chemical formulas, it is also possible to make arrows and other symbols that can be useful for chemistry and biology. A list of possible codes are shown [here][7]. $$ NaOH_{(aq)} + HCl_{(aq)} \rightarrow NaCl_{(aq)} + H_2O_{l}$$ $$ NaOH_{(aq)} + HCl_{(aq)} \rightarrow NaCl_{(aq)} + H_2O_{(l)} $$ $$ A + B \leftrightharpoons C $$ $$ A + B \leftrightharpoons C $$ These can also be used in-line. This statement has a subject leading to $\rightarrow$ conclusion. This statement's subject leads to $\rightarrow$ conclusion. ## Markdown syntax [Editing the OSF wiki and Markdown][8] ### styles **bold words** **bold words** *italic words* *italic words* ### headers # header ## sub-header ### sub-sub-header #### sub-sub-sub-header ... ### links (link text)[link address] ### Table of contents @[toc] **Note:** anything with a header `#` or sub-header `##..` designation will appear in the table of contents. This generally is put at the top of the Wiki. ### super/subscripts I write words that go <sup>up</sup> and sometimes go <sub>down</sub> I write words that go <sup>up</sup> and sometimes go <sub>down</sub> **Note:** superscript or subscript makes good text to use for a figure legend that you don't want to put an extreme number of `#` in front of. ### in-line "code" or block text or emphasized text To create the `red text` for code or emphasis, precede and end your text with the back tick ` (this not an apostrophe (')). `I want this text to be in red with a grey box` `I want this text to be in red with a grey box` If you want to make the grey box but with black text, just press `Tab` before your text and it will appear in a box. This also works for figure legends. # Adding files, images, and videos Most images can be dragged into the window which creates a file folder called *Wiki Images* in the Files section. While convienient, it is not the best data management. I encourage you to upload the file to the Files section with a descriptive file name and then import the image via `@[OSF](five_letter_code_in_the_web_address) ex: @[OSF](xqpdh)` alternatively you can use this code: `![image description](web_address)` This latter option makes the image more accessible to those using screen readers and is preferred. The OSF guides for inserting [files][9], [images][10], and [videos][11] are linked and good references to start. ## Make the images smaller! One important thing to note is that most images need to be resized so that they do not appear *disturbingly large* in the viewing window. If this happens, then the image can be resized by changing the image code to include the size as shown: `![image description](web_address =50x50)` Note: you can change the 50x50 to be whatever size fits the screen best and this will vary. If you are using an OSF website, then you need to alter the address to be: `![image description](web_address/download =50x50)` ## Figure legends There is no explicit way to add a legend to a figure or image in OSF. I recommend using the subscript code `<sub> legend text </sub>` in bold to make the legend be set apart from the normal text. --- [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]:
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