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W26 - Open science, culture change, and your workplace Bruce Caron Abstract: "The opposite of open isn’t closed. The opposite of open is broken." - John Wilbanks, 2010 We can work together to unbreak science. This class will open up generous conversations about a wider range of open science topics than is usual for a discussion of “open access.” We will pull key concepts from The Open Scientist Handbook: to discover the wheres and the hows that led science down the wrong pathway, and the hidden “why” of science that is buried under a current, ongoing avalanche of external conflicts of interest. The opening gambit to open science culture change in your organization is to celebrate the anti-rivalrous logic of science itself. This logic supports what John Wilbanks (paraphrase) also noted is the “unreasonable effectiveness of open [science].” Together we will explore the internal goods of science to anchor open science within an economy and a culture that rejects external incentives in favor of science’s built-in motivations. Science—open and free in its internal cultural logic—promises to deliver new knowledges, and new ways of knowing substantially beyond its current bounded capacity. Day One: Before we can point science culture toward an anti-rivalrous, zero-incentive future, we need to learn about science as an infinite game. We will explore some of the toxic practices that currently infest the academy. We will end with a bit of fun, acknowledging that the best science conversations include laughter. PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU ARRIVE: [Toxic Culture][1] [Building a gift economy: the dance of open science culture][2] [Joy, Fun, and Love in Open Science][3] ACTIVITY: We will record personal stories of finite games that dominate activities in the organizations in our careers: libraries, universities, interactions with funders, learned societies, publishers… Day Two: Two core logics help illuminate the field of open science practices: Fierce Equality and Demand Sharing. Fierce Equality anchors open science cultural practices at all levels: interpersonal to trans-organizational. This logic counters hierarchies, exclusivity, cumulative advantages, and bullshit excellence. Demand Sharing articulates the primary logic of the science gift economy. This real sharing economy (not science as Uber) powers local scholarly commons, open repositories, and open access to academy goods. We will end with a discussion of how science supports and requires that scientists develop practical wisdom. PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU ARRIVE: [Fierce Equality][4] [Demand Sharing][5] [Practical Wisdom][6] ACTIVITY: we will list examples of colleagues, teachers, and others who have shown their practical wisdom in the workplace. Day Three: Today, the academy needs open scientists as culture change agents. Managing organizational culture is always a local project, but it can benefit from shared resources. Change begins with stating values, which power discussions about new practices that re-place current ones. These new practices celebrate shared values, and valorize normative activities that reward shared virtues instead of toxic, ego-boosting behaviors. To foster follow-on activities, class members will be invited to join the Open Scientist community on PubPub, and the Open Scientist social community on Hylo. PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU ARRIVE: [The Work of Culture in Your Organization][7] [You are a Culture Change Agent][8] [The Zero Asshole Zone][9] [Performing Open Science Culture][10] ACTIVITY: The class will break into small groups and begin to fill in PlayBooks (in Hylo) for their own open science culture change efforts. Audience: Researchers, Librarians, Faculty/Scholars, Publishers, Administrators, Technical Support [1]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLRpZRys1A$ "Open Science Heals Toxic Culture" [2]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLRFXLaDeU$ [3]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLRRdai2Kc$ [4]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLR3ge9Two$ [5]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLRvoZ2Sn4$ [6]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLRlGh4Fgk$ [7]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLRA26ODxc$ [8]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLRtyiq-4A$ [9]:;!!Mih3wA!W4_q1sLfqZrZOcPYldH3fISmhTnqnd6AW0-3TmeHHu_ZHn8S_SPWZPLRYIPvg_c$ [10]:
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