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## Study and Citation Scholz, R., Villringer, A., & Martins, M. D. J. D. (2022). **Distinct hippocampal and cortical contributions in the representation of hierarchies.** [bioRxiv]( ). This repository: []( Preregistration: [](, DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/4BQ2N ## Whole-Brain MRI Analysis Folder: `analysis/spm_whole_brain` ### Standard Analysis This is based on the raw subject specific mri-data, that can not be provided. | Num | File | Stage Name | |:------|:-------------|:------------| | 0 | spm12_preprocessing.m | Preprocessing of all MRI data | | 1 | spm12_firstlv_standard.m | Common first level analysis | | 2 | spm12_group_standard.m | Script to analyze group contrasts (here: Task x Pos, but can also be adapted to Task x Experience | ### Grid Analysis Takes preprocessed data as input | Num | File | Stage Name | |:------|:-------------|:------------| | G1A | spm12_firstlv_grid_gridcat.m | GridCat first level script adapted | | G1B | spm12_firstlv_grid_custom.m | Custom First level grid analysis | | G2 | spm12_group_grid.m | Group Analysis | ## Results (whole brain group contrasts) Folder: group_contrasts * **Task x Pos SPM Contrasts** - `gflexall5c_txp_new28.tar.gz` * **Task x Exp SPM Contrasts** - `gflexall5c_txELb_28.tar.gz` ### Task x Pos SPM Contrasts File archive: `gflexall5c_txp_new28.tar.gz` | Numbering | Contrast| Comment | |:------|:-------------|:------------| | con_0001 | ALL2-ALL1 | | | con_0002 | H2-H1 | | | con_0003 | I2-I1 | | | con_0004 | Hier-Iter | Figure 2A (red) & Table S1, Effect of Task | | con_0005 | Hier1-Iter1 | | | con_0006 | Hier2-Iter2 | | | con_0007 | TxP IA 1: (H2-H1)-(I2-I1) | Figure 2A (green) & Table 1, 1st Interaction of Task x Position | | con_0008 | ALL1-ALL2 | | | con_0009 | H1-H2 | | | con_0010 | I1-I2 | | | con_0011 | Iter-Hier | | | con_0012 | Iter1-Hier1 | | | con_0013 | Iter2-Hier2 | | | con_0014 | TxP IA 2: (I2-I1)-(H2-H1) ~ (H1-H2)-(I1-I2) | Figure 2A (blue) & Table S1, 2nd Interaction of Task x Position | ### Task x Experience SPM Contrasts File archive: `gflexall5c_txELb_28.tar.gz` | Numbering | Contrast| Comment | |:------:|:-------------|:------------:| | con_0001 | H-I | | | con_0002 | LH-EH | | | con_0003 | LI-EI | | | con_0004 | LH-LI | | | con_0005 | EH-EI | | | con_0006 | TxEL 1 (HL-HE-[IL-IE]) | Figure 3A (red) & Table S2 | | con_0007 | I-H | | | con_0008 | EH-LH | | | con_0009 | EI-LI | | | con_0010 | LI-LH | | | con_0011 | EI-EH | | | con_0012 | TxEL 2 (IL-IE-[HL-HE]) | | ## ROI-based Analysis Folder: `analy/roi_based` * activations were extracted using [REX]( for each ROI (using the respective masks) and then concatenated into a single CSV-file for each contrast * we used Jamovi to analyze this data (making use of its filtering function); for each `*.csv` file there is a corresponding `*.omv` file in the folder * the plots were created using python/matplotlib/seaborn; this is summarized as jupyter notebook: `create_plots.ipynb` | Contrast | CSV-File | Comment | |:------|:------|:-------------| | Task x Pos | ROIs_txp31_betas2.csv| Figure 2B & C | | Task x Pos | HIP_gradient_txp31_bilateral.csv | Figure 2D | | Task x Exp | ROIs_txELb31_betas3_corrMapd.csv | Figure 3B&C | ## Behavioral Analysis Behavioral data (.csv) and the corresponding jamovi file can be found under: Folder: `analy/behavioral` ## Experimental paradigm The nessesary scripts for executing the experimental procedure (as completed by participants in the scanner) can be found under: Folder: `paradigm/HCSMTL` The experiment is coded entirely in python and makes use of the psychopy toolbox.
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