## **Neurocognitive analyses reveal that video game players exhibit enhanced implicit temporal processing**
Please find here the script and data used in the article titled: "Neurocognitive analyses reveal that video game players exhibit enhanced implicit temporal processing" published in Nature Communications Biology (2022)
#### To run the analysis
1) Download the folder "*All_content*" and unzip it.
2) Open on R the script "*ImplicitTemporalProcessingInVideoGamePlayers.R*"
This script will guide you into the analysis as presented in the article.
At the beginning of the script, do not forget to adapt the path to the location of the downloaded folder "*All_content*"
Also, please find an easy access to data derived from Fig 2, 3b, 4d-e, and 5d with the file data_from_plot.xlsx
For any enquiry, please contact francoisfoerster@gmail.com
[1]: https://rdcu.be/cXjje