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Recent literature has described several cases of hybrid A/A′-movement (van Urk 2015, Erlewine 2018, Colley & Privoznov 2021), including the observation that there may be several subcases of such movement (Scott 2021). This paper presents novel evidence from Tira (Kordofanian:Sudan) for two different types of hybrid A/A′-movement characteristic of topic vs. focus clauses in the language. Topic clauses target an XP for movement with both φ- and [TOPIC]-features. Focus clauses, built on relative clauses, only target an [A′]-feature, although they nevertheless show φ-agreement, hence constituting a novel case of overagreement. This distinction is derived with the interaction-satisfaction model of Agree (Deal to appear): φ-features are part of the interaction condition of the focus head but not its satisfaction condition. -- Peter Jenks (he/him) Associate Professor, UC Berkeley Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors, and Financial Aid (CUSHFA) I respectfully acknowledge that UC Berkeley and the surrounding communities are built on the unceded ancestral land of the Ohlone people.
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