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**Presentations** Van Meter, A. & Youngstrom, E.A. (2012, May). *Validating cyclothymic disorder in youth*. Paper presented at the International Review of Bipolar Disorders, Nice, France. **Posters** Van Meter, A., Youngstrom, E.A., Ollendick, T., Demeter, C., Findling, R. (2012, November). *Clinical decision making about anxiety disorders: Using the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment*. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD. Van Meter, A., Irvin, J.~, Manthey, J.~, Youngstrom, E.A. (2012, November). *A tale of two diatheses: Temperament and BIS/BAS as risk factors for mood disorder*. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD. Perez Algorta, G., Youngstrom, E.A., Van Meter, A., Youngstrom, J.K., Findling, R. (2012, November). *Screening for mood disorders in parents seeking services for their child’s behavior problems*. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD. Van Meter, A., Irvin, J.~, Manthey, J.~, Youngstrom, E.A. (2012, May). *A tale of two diatheses: Temperament and BIS/BAS as risk factors for mood disorder*. Poster accepted for presentation at the International Review of Bipolar Disorders, Nice, France. Van Meter, A., Irvin, J.~, Thrower, A.~, Willis, M.W., Jr.~, & Youngstrom, E.A. (2012, August). *Cross-cultural examination of factors related to suicidality in young adults*. Poster accepted for presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
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