**Meeting Abstract**
Psychological researchers have made great strides to improve methods and practices, but we can do more. This pre-conference, sponsored by the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science, will provide hands-on training with new tools such as PsyArXiv (a psychology preprint server), StudySwap (“a platform for interlab replication, collaboration, and research resource exchange”), and statcheck (a tool for verifying statistical reporting). We will also discuss how to incorporate open science practices in teaching, mentoring, and reviewing. All sessions will be action-oriented and give participants concrete tips and lessons to improve their own research and contribute to the improvement of the field. This pre-conference is aimed at people at all career stages. No experience with replicability or open science is required, and we hope that all attendees will be active participants in the sessions.
## **Meeting Schedule** ##
[1]: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4sr4lqvdzl30ds2/Screen%20Shot%202018-02-19%20at%2012.24.08%20PM.jpg?dl=0