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## Contents of directory ## This directory contains paperwork used between researchers to communicate about data collection and paperwork used to communicate about the research project to participants. Documents are provided as .pdf files for universal readability and in the editable format used by the researcher. ---------- **Participant information sheet and consent form:** *morey_genericConsent.doc and .pdf* Explains the experimental procedure to participants, including any risks and benefits they may anticipate. Participants signed the consent form before taking part in the study. ---------- **Experimental protocol:** Step-by-step instructions for running a participant through the experimental procedure. This version was used with a pilot in-lab study built in PsychoPy builder, but was cut short in March 2020 with the onset of the COVID19 pandemic. We shifted the study online via labjs in early 2021. ---------- **Participant debriefing:** *morey_genericAppDebrief.doc and .pdf* is the document participants received after completing the study explaining the purpose of the study and how to learn about the study's overall outcome.
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