This project combines data, code, and documentation for ***Research Objective #2*** of the National Science Foundation funded study (Award# BCS-173582) titled "Cognitive Control Theoretic Mechanisms of Real-time fMRI-guided Neuromodulation".
***Note: This project extends the work of NSF Award #BCS-173582 Research Objective #1, "Action-value processing underlies the role of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex in performance monitoring during self-regulation of affect", which may be found at https://osf.io/jwv6c/***
Research Objective
We sought to characterize the neural mechanisms driving affect processing dynamics in the resting (i.e., untasked) human brain.
Methods Summary
- We constructed high-accuracy affect (valence and arousal) decoding models (using SVMs) from fMRI data recorded during affect induction via IAPS image stimuli.
- We then applied these decoding models out-of-sample to resting state fMRI data.
- We computed 1st and 2nd derivative time-series of the resting state affect processing.
- We constructed and validated neural decoding models of these derivatives
- We then simulated resting data affect processing dynamics via numerical integration of decoded affective processing derivatives.
- We applied the Haufe transform to the decoding models to characterize the neural encodings of these derivatives.
- We showed that simulated resting state affect processing is significantly more accurate in reflecting affect processing dynamics than surrogate dynamics (simulation using randomly sampled derivatives) up to 4 volumes (TR=2 s) into the future.
- We showed that affect processing dynamics are broadly encoded across the human brain in regions associated with affect processing and regulation.