**Figure 1. MYC expression in JQ1-treated MM.1S-luc cells.** MM.1S-luc cells were treated with 500 nM (+)-JQ1, 500 nM (-)-JQ1, or an equivalent volume of DMSO. Total RNA was isolated at 0 hr, 1 hr, and 8 hr after treatment and quantitative RT-PCR analysis was performed to detect *MYC* and GAPDH levels. Relative expression (*MYC/GAPDH*) is presented for each time point and condition normalized to (+)-JQ1 treated cells at 0 hr. Means reported and error bars represent s.d. from 5 independent biological repeats Mixed-design analysis of variance (ANOVA) with time (0 hr, 1 hr, and 8 hr) as the within-subjects factor and treatment ((+)-JQ1, (-)-JQ1, or vehicle) as the between-subjects factor; interaction effect: *F*(4,24) = 268.9, *p* = 1.49x10-19, treatment main effect: *F*(2,12) = 393.5, *p* = 1.15x10-11, time main effect: *F*(2, 24) = 368.0, *p* = 9.84x10-19. Planned paired t-test of MM.1S-luc cells harvested 8 hr after (+)-JQ1 treatment compared to cells 0 hr after (+)-JQ1 treatment; *t*(4) = 38.92, uncorrected *p* = 2.60x10-6, *a priori* Bonferroni adjusted significance threshold =.025; (Bonferroni corrected *p* = 5.21x10-6). Planned paired *t*-test of MM.1S-luc cells harvested 1 hr after (+)-JQ1 treatment compared to cells 0 hr after (+)-JQ1 treatment; *t*(4) = 25.10, uncorrected *p* = 1.50x10-5, *a priori* Bonferroni adjusted significance threshold = .025; (Bonferroni corrected *p* = 2.99x10-5).
Access [full size image][1] and [R script][2] used to generate this figure. This script will call the [data][3] directly from the OSF.
[Statistical Analysis component][4] contains R scripts that were used for the analysis.
[1]: https://osf.io/btgx3/
[2]: https://osf.io/qcsbj/
[3]: https://osf.io/mgy4z/
[4]: https://osf.io/zcsuh/wiki/home/