A preprint is a version of a research paper that is shared before publication in a peer reviewed outlet. This can be done before submitting to a journal (e.g., to gather feedback on a research paper), after submitting, or even after acceptance of a paper (e.g., a version that is not typeset by the publisher). Preprints facilitate the dissemination of research findings and the collection of feedback thereby enhancing the quality of research.
**More information**
[Blog post on preprints][1]
[Course on sharing preprints][2]
[Overview of preprint services][5]
[Preprint policies for academic journals][3]
[Licences for preprints][4]
[1]: https://blog.psyarxiv.com/2016/09/19/psyarxiv-faq/
[2]: https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/learning/sharing-preprints/#/id/5ac23bbcdd1827131b90e79d
[3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_academic_publishers_by_preprint_policy
[4]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/
[5]: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYOy6bcydDZ9G56FKmDzg_pexTarVsJR5hH0KiQGt_I/edit#gid=1494155948