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National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA)
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Category: Project
Description: The National Digital Stewardship Alliance, hosted by the Digital Library Federation, is a consortium of more than 250 partnering organizations, including universities, professional associations, businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, all committed to the long-term preservation of digital information. Members work together to preserve access to our national digital heritage.
NDSA has been publishing reports and survey data for over 10 years. Some of the reports are listed in the side bar as individual reports, however, we have created buckets to house each survey allowing for easy access to data across multiple years.
Publications can be found by reviewing the projects and components on the right hand side of this page. The projects are listed first in alphabetical …
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NDSA's Digital Preservation Conference Links
Links to available presentations and recordings of the NDSA Digital Preservation Conferences since 2016. See links in Wiki section.
NDSA Cloud Studies Subgroup
The NDSA Cloud Studies Subgroup is developing a resource repository to collect best practices, workflows, case studies, how-tos, etc. to assist instit...
2019 Levels of Digital Preservation
The NDSA launched the Levels of Preservation guidelines in 2013. In 2018, the NDSA created a group to review and update the 2013 levels. Groups cons...
2021 Membership Survey Report
To help understand barriers to more robust membership engagement, NDSA Leadership supported surveying the member base to measure the current value of ...
[2013] Staffing for Effective Digital Preservation 2013: An NDSA Report
In 2012 the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Standards and Practices Working Group surveyed 85 institutions with a mandate to preserve dig...
[2017] Staffing for Effective Digital Preservation 2017: An NDSA Report
The 2017 Digital Preservation Staffing Survey provides a useful snapshot of the way digital preservation is accomplished in 2017 and how its practitio...
2019 Storage Infrastructure Survey
2019 iteration of the Storage Infrastructure Survey.
2013 Web Archiving in the United States: A 2013 Survey
| Forked: 2017-06-21 19:21 UTC
From October through November of 2013, a team of individuals representing multiple NDSA member institutions and Working Groups conducted a survey of o...
2016 Web Archiving in the United States: A 2016 Survey
| Forked: 2017-06-21 19:21 UTC
From January 20 to February 16, 2016, a team of individuals representing multiple NDSA member institutions and interest groups conducted a survey of o...
National Digital Stewardship Alliance on the Move
CNI conference presentation on NDSA's transition to the Digital Library Federation
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