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Previous studies have shown that the parser resolves the Wh-Filler-Gap dependencies as quickly as possible, when it is grammatically sanctioned (Phillips, 06; Van Gompel & Liversedge, 03; Stowe, 86). It has also shown that when the parser encounters a string ambiguous between an embedded object or subject, it attempts to construct a coherent analysis by abiding by a local attachment (Tabor et al., 04). We ask whether the parser’s eagerness to insert a gap overrides the bias towards the complement clause when encountered with the ambiguous string between the relative clause and the complement clause (Staub et al., 18). We show that the parser sets the prediction of the subject, and the parser's eagerness to find a c-commanding/perspective-holding antecedent for the reflexive allows the parser to be less committed to the complement parse. I look forward to seeing all of your comments via OSF comments! If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to and I will reply back to you as quickly as possible.
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