# The role of the information environment during the first COVID-19 wave in Germany
### *Sebastian Stier, Bernd Weiß, Timo Hartmann, Fabian Flöck, Johannes Breuer, Ines Schaurer & Mirjan Kummerow*
The information provided here enables the replication of the paper ***The role of the information environment during the first COVID-19 wave in Germany***.
# Original data sources
## Survey data
The following survey data sources are used in the paper:
- GESIS Panel - Standard Edition; https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13573
- GESIS Panel - Extended Edition; https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13572
- GESIS Panel Special Survey on the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak in Germany; https://doi.org/10.4232/1.13520
The data can be obtained by creating an account on the GESIS website. Please note: The "GESIS Panel - Extended Edition" can only be accessed at the GESIS Secure Data Center in Cologne.
## Facebook data
The Facebook data was retrieved from *CrowdTangle*, a data insights tool owned by Facebook that tracks the content of public posts on Facebook pages. *CrowdTangle* data is accessible for academic researchers after a per-user authorization process.
CrowdTangle Team. 2020. "CrowdTangle." Facebook, MenloPark, California, United States. List ID: 1401737
# Script files
## R
| script | description|
| `1_survey_preprocessing.R` | Pre-processing of survey data |
| `2_survey_analysis.R` | Analysis of survey data |
| `3_text_analyis.R` | Analysis of topic model output |
| `4_online_appendix.Rmd` | Online appendix |
## Python
Python scripts for the text analysis can be found in the folder `python`.
# Additional files
The folder `data` contains aggregated data files necessary for reproducing the scripts. The folder `helper` contains files necessary for compiling the online appendix.