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This software release is an addendum to interACT Deliverable D2.2 (available <a href="">here</a>), and provides an implementation of the models developed in interACT WP2, as described in Deliverable D2.2. The software release consists of the following:
- A documentation PDF providing instructions for installation and use.
- A standalone Windows executable for running model simulations via a GUI.
- The underlying MATLAB code, allowing to build further on the software or to run more complex simulations (e.g., optimisations) programmatically without the GUI.
The interaction models developed in interACT WP2 address two scenario types, shown in the figure below. Both scenarios are of the nature that one crossing road user C intends to cross the path of an approaching vehicle A. The vehicle A may be an automated vehicle (AV), and the main intended use of the software provided here is to study how A’s behaviour
affects the behaviour of C as well as the overall outcome of the interaction, for example from efficiency and safety perspectives. For a full description of the models and the empirical work supporting them,
see interACT Deliverable D2.2.
![illustration of one scenario with a pedestrian C about to cross a zebra crossing, and one scenario with a car C about to turn across an oncoming traffic lane at an intersection, in both cases with an approaching car A][1]