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Dear reader, On this page we have uploaded all raw data of the tasks reported in the paper "Individual difference factors in the learning and transfer of patterning discriminations" by Maes et al. (accepted in *Frontiers in Psychology*) (all personal information was removed from the data files). You can find instructions for interpretation of the raw data files in the folder "Data => instructions". Further, the matlab scripts used to convert the raw data to the data used for statistical analysis can be found in the folder "Scripts". Lastly, the JASP files are provided. JASP (Love et al., 2015) is a statistical program that allows the user to conduct convential hypothesis testing and Bayesian statistical analysis in a very comprehensible way. The program can be downloaded for free from The JASP files do not only contain the results, but also provide information about which tests were exactly conducted and how. If you make use of these resources, please drop us an email: tom.beckers@kuleuven Kind regards, Elisa Maes
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