On this page, you find the analysis script (R code) to reproduce the results in the paper
<h2>Files and documents</h2>
You can use the following files to reproduce all analyses reported in the paper.
- Analysis
+ analysis.rmd (Analysis script)
+ analsis.pdf (Analysis output)
+ figure.r (Script for additional functions)
<h2>Reproduce the analysis</h2>
Download all folders on this OSF page and place them in a single folder on your local hard drive. Open the "analysis.rmd" file in Rstudio and hit "knit".
<h2>Data statement</h2>
To run the analyses, you need the full data set. However, the data are not published on this OSF page. Please download them from the official repository at [gesis datorium][1]. Simply put them into the correct folder on your local hard drive and all the procedures described above should work.
[1]: https://doi.org/10.7802/2117