Notes from our weekly lab discussions and copies of the articles we discuss.
*[**Design considerations**: Note that we almost certainly want to keep this component private, regardless of what we decide about making the main lab project. Keeping this component private allows us to keep candid discussion notes and journal articles that we may be authorized to access by lab or institutional licenses but that we should not make available to the wider public.]*
In order to keep everything from getting unwieldy we organize things based on semester.
Notes for each semester are kept in a separate wiki page available from the list to the left. When creating new pages please follow the same "YYYY-[Spring|Fall]" format so that everything sorts naturally.
Articles are kept in folders following that same naming scheme. You can either add a date to the beginning of your file name when adding articles for discussion or we can just use the recent changes list on this component. Don't stress too much and we can re-assess and/or rename files if anything proves hard to find later on.