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**PLEASE READE THIS WIKI FOR A DESCRIPTION OF THIS PROJECT'S CONTENT** Raw files needed to reproduce the results in Alvarez-Candal (2024, A&A accepted). arXiv version: The folder **data** contains the following unformatted files: - 29039_dmag-02.dat size: 15.3 kB Probability distribution of rotational periods associated to objects 29039. The file contains 302 lines and 2 columns. 1st line is an internal header 2nd line is a first estimate of Hv and its uncertainty from the 3rd line 1st column is the \Delta m 2nd column the probability - angles-09_hg12.dat size: 6.0 MB Angular informartion. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat) 1st column is the minimum alpha of the corresponding phase curve. 2nd colums is the maximum span in phase angle. - color_gi.dat size: 93.2 MB g-i color vs. alpha Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). Each column corresponds to a 0.5 deg increase in phase angle from 0 deg up to 35 deg. - color_iz.dat size: 96.7 MB i-z color vs. alpha Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). Each column corresponds to a 0.5 deg increase in phase angle from 0 deg up to 35 deg. - Colors_m.dat size: 23.9 MB Phase angle where the weighted average is closer to an individual color measurement (alpha_w) and corresponding individual color. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). **Colums 1,3,5,7** correspond to the indivudual color: u-g, g-r, r-i, i-z **Columns 2,4,6,8** correspond to alpha_w for each color. - Colors-w.dat size: 23.9 MB Weighted average colors. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). **Columns 1,3,5,7**: u-g, g-r, r-i, i-z **Columns 2,4,6,8**: corresponding errors - ecolor_gi.dat size: 93.2 MB Errors in the colors g-i vs. alpha. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). Each column corresponds to a 0.5 deg increase in phase angle from 0 deg up to 35 deg. The error was computed as the convolution of the P(g) and P(i). - ecolor_iz.dat size: 93.2 MB Errors in the colors i-z vs. alpha. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). Each column corresponds to a 0.5 deg increase in phase angle from 0 deg up to 35 deg. The error was computed as the convolution of the P(z) and P(i). - elems.dat size: 8.9 MB Osculating orbital elements from astorb.dat Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). **Column 1** = semi-major axis [au] **Column 2** = eccentricity **Column 3** = Inclination [deg] - eslopes.dat size: 103.5 MB Errors in the 'realistic' spectral slopes vs. alpha. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). Each column corresponds to a 0.5 deg increase in phase angle from 0 deg up to 35 deg. The error was computed as the standard deviation of the distribution of slopes. - Hcoefs-09_hg12.dat size: 148.1 MB Absolute magnitudes, phase coefficients and number of data used in the fit. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). **Colums 1-4**: Hu, Hu-, Hu+, Nu Hu = median of P(Hu). Hu- = 16th percentile of P(Hu) Hu+ = 84th percentile of P(Hu) Nu = Number of points used in phase curve **Columns 5-8**: Same as above for Hg **Columns 9-12**: Same as above for Hr **Columns 13-16**: Same as above for Hi **Columns 17-20**: Same as above for Hz **Columns 21-24**: Same as above for HV **Columns 25-28**: Same as above for HR **Columns 29-31**: Gu, Gu-,Gu+ Gu = median of P(Gu). Gu- = 16th percentile of P(Gu) Gu+ = 84th percentile of P(Gu) **Colums 32-34**: Same as above for Gg **Colums 35-37**: Same as above for Gr **Colums 38-40**: Same as above for Gi **Colums 41-43**: Same as above for Gz **Colums 44-46**: Same as above for GV **Colums 47-49**: Same as above for GR - names-09_hg12.dat size: 5.0 MB Each line corresponds to a different objects. **Column 1** = ID as given in the original catalog. **Column 2** = MPC ASCII code. - sim_slopes.dat size: 217.2 MB Simulated slopes as computed from reflectances from Eq. 5 in the paper and a linear fit. The magnitudes are computed using the nominal values of H and G fed directly into Eq. 2. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). Each column corresponds to a 0.5 deg increase in phase angle from 0 deg up to 35 deg. - slopes.dat size: 104.0 MB Simulated slopes as computed from reflectances from Eq. 5 in the paper and a linear fit. The magnitudes are computed using the full P(H) and P(G) fed directly into Eq. 2. Each line corresponds to a different object (in the same order as names-09_hg12.dat). Each column corresponds to a 0.5 deg increase in phase angle from 0 deg up to 35 deg. The folder **pdfs** contains the following unformatted files: - pdfs_XX.tar Each tarbal file contains an ensemble of Probability Distributions(*): **0X -->** files beginning with number X. **_@ -->** files beginning with letter @. *C* indicates capital letter and *l* indicates lowercase. Each file has the following naming: MPCid_filterid-09.dat (or .dat.Z) In some cases no MPCid could be assigned, then the name is x-CatalogName. filterid = Su, Sg, Sr, Si, Sz (SDSS filters) or JV, JR (Johnson's V and R). Each file has N lines (<= 10001). The first line is a first guess of HV and its corresponding uncertainty. If N == 1, then only the first guess of HV is provided. Else, N > 100. After line 1, the first column indicates the value of H after the processing described in the paper, and the second column the corresponding G. To actually describe a Probability distribution, the H and G distributions should be normalized to unity area, i.e., multiplied by a factor $1/N$ such that $N=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}{P(x)dx}$, and $x$ runs in H or G.
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