# Data for the RLE assessment of T6.1 tropical glaciers
## Description
This component of the project gives an overview of the steps for preparing the data required for the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems assessment.
All this code is run in terminals ([bash](https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/)), using the `gdal` and `ogr` command line [tools](https://gdal.org/tutorials/index.html), or using `Rscript` to run R code.
We are using PBS (Portable Batch System) for setting up interactive or batch jobs in [Katana High Performance Computer](https://research.unsw.edu.au/katana) @ ResTech UNSW.
The code have been prepared to run this sequence of steps:
1. Create a INPUT directory
2. Batch download data into the INPUT directory
3. Prepare spatial data for further analysis
4. Create a vector dataset with the spatial units of assessment
5. Crop raster data for each unit of assessment
6. Upload data to a cloud repository
The output of these steps is available in the cloud storage of this component.