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Well-being items ================ The Ungdata project did not include a specific instrument measuring adolescents' well-being directly. However, it included multiple items that could reflect on adolescents' 5 aspects of well-being. These aspects and their corresponding items are described in this document. Connecting with people ------------------------- Social activities could also relate to sports activities, learning activities (learning a musical instrument, for instance) and thus this classification is not exact. | **Item** | **Description** | |-------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | `Orgmte4` | Religious organisation | | `Orgmte5` | Band, choir, orchestra | | `Orgmte6` | Culture school/music school | | `Orgmte7` | Other organisation, society or association | | `Orgmedl3` | Abstinence society | | `Orgmedl4` | After-school club | | `Orgmedl6` | Supporters' club | | `Orgmedl8` | Political organisation | | `Orgmedl11` | Christian associations | | `Orgmedl12` | Brass band, choir, orchestra | | `Orgmedl14` | Rock club/band practice | | `Orgmedl15` | Hobby (stamps, model aeroplanes, fly tying, crafts, etc.) | | `Orgmedl18` | Language societies, youth associations or 4H | | `Orgmedl21` | Other organisation/association/club | | `Orgmedl24` | Political party | | `Orgmedl27` | Religions and life stance organisations | | `Orgmedl29` | Other organisation/association/club | Physical activities ------------------------- Note that physical activities can also be about "connecting" with peers. These categorization is not exact | **Item** | **Description** | |------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `Orgmte1` / `Orgmedl5` | Sports club | | `Orgmte3` | After-school club/youth centre/youth club | | `Orgmedl2` | A motor racing club | | `Orgmedl7` | Animal-related clubs (dogs, rabbits, aquariums, riding, etc.) | | `Orgmedl9` | Scouts | | `Orgmedl13` | Hunting and fishing club | | `Orgmedl19` | Role-playing club | | `Orgmedl20` | The Norwegian Trekking Association (“DNT”) | | `Orgmedl22` | Gym with a membership fee | | `Orgmedl23` | Activity organisation (scouts, 4H, chess club, role-playing club, hunting and fishing club, animal-related club etc.) | | `Orgmte2` | Motor club | | `Orgtren1` | organised physical activity (e.g. member of a sports club, attend dance classes, etc.) | | `Orgtren2` | How old were you when you stopped doing organised physical activity? | | `Skader2_2` | I was doing an organised sporting/leisure activity | | `Trener1` | How often do you do physical activity whick gets you out of breath or makes you sweaty? | | `Trener2` | Participate in sports and exercise at school (outside the school day)? | | `Trener6` | Dancing (as an exercise) | | `Trener7` | Attended in martial arts- or self-defense training (boxing, karate, kick-boxing etc.) | | `Trener10` | Do you do any kind of physical activity? | | `Fritid24` | Played football, snowboarded or did another type of physical activity together with friends (not with a sports club) | Learning ------------------------- Although _Learning_ was not measured directly, a few items had _something to do with learning_, or at least, some aspects of _learning values_. Note that many of the items reflect attitude towards school as well as school performance. However, a fewer items reflect on learning values from the perspectives of the respondents themselves as well as their interpretations of learning values from their parents. This is not unreasonable because for adolescents, a big part of "learning" is related to school and family environment. Certainly, there are also learning activities that take place in youth clubs and after school activities, which were covered in the previous sections. In addition, items related to musical activities could also relate to learning. There were also items reflecting on adolescents' relationships with their teachers, which are not mentioned below. These items are described below: | **Item** | **Description** | |-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `Lring2` | I enjoy school | | `Lring4` | Teachers often tell me off in lessons for disturbing the class | | `Lring5` | Teachers often praise and encourage me | | `Lring6` | I often dread going to school | | `Lring7` | I'm bored at school | | `Lring8` | Teachers should be stricter with pupils who disrupt lessons | | `Lring9` | A lot of time at school is wasted | | `Lring10` | When I know the answer in a lesson, I try to be one of the first people to put up my hand | | `Skole10` / `Lring11` | We learn lots of interesting stuff at school | | `Lring12` | It is important to get good marks | | `Lring13` | Meeting friends is more important to me than learning everything and doing well at school | | `Lring14` | I’m badly prepared for my classes | | `Lring15` | I think that my schoolwork is too easy | | `Lring16` | I think that my schoolwork is too difficult | | `Lring17` | I don’t enjoy being at school | | `Lring18` | I would like to leave school | | `Skolint1` | My parents are very interested in my schoolwork | | `Skolint2` | My parents think that it is important for me to get a higher education | | `Skolint3` | My parents often help me with my schoolwork | | `Skolint4` | My parents think that a long education is a waste of time | | `Skolint5` | My parents often praise me for my schoolwork | | `Skolint6` | My parents rarely talk to me about school | | `Skolint7` | My parents encourage me to make an effort at school | | `Skolint8` | My parents think that it is important for me to get a job as soon as possible, so I can start earning money | | `Skolint9` | My parents check that I do my homework | | `Orgmedl17` | Computer club (LAN, Crew, etc.) | Giving ------------------------- A few items measured humanitarian activities, that can be classified as "giving", however, they also have a social part and could relate to "connecting". This classification is not exact. | **Item** | **Description** | |-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `Orgmedl10` | Red Cross, Norwegian People's Aid («Norsk Folkehjelp»), etc. | | `Orgmedl16` | Environmental organisations | | `Orgmedl25` | Environmental and nature conservation organisation | | `Orgmedl26` | Other political organisations (pupil organisations, Amnesty, drug policy associations etc.) | | `Orgmedl28` | Humanitarian organisations (Red Cross, Norwegian People’s Aid (“Norsk Folkehjelp”), Save the Children etc.) | Mindfulness ------------------------- - No item measured this aspect
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