This project contains data and code from the paper:
Ensor, T. M., MacMillan, M. B., Neath, I., & Surprenant, A. M. (2021). Calculating semantic relatedness of lists of nouns using WordNet path length. *Behavior Research Methods, 53*, 2430-2438. [doi:10.3758/s13428-021-01570-0][1]
Please see the READ-ME file for details on downloading and using the database.
The most recent version of the database and code are:
- 2020.09.06 8393words.tar.bz2
- 2020.09.06 150973words.tar.bz2
- 2020.09.06 Java Code
- 2020.09.06 Python Code
The files 8393words.txt and 150973words.txt contain a listing of the available words.
The file Supplement.pdf describes how the files were created.