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Journal Responses


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This page will describe the ongoing or finished communications with journals which were contacted regarding Registered Reports. See the [Journal Requests][1] page with more information about how we approach journals, and how you can help with our campaign to promote Registered Reports! See [this overview][2] for journals which have already started accepting Registered Reports. ---------- ### Curated list of journals with responses ### | Journal | Response | Communicators | ------ | ----------- | ------ | Acta Acustica united with Acustica | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Acta Psychologica | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Addiction | Under Consideration (09/08/2018) | Joshua Grubbs | AERA Open | Have now adopted | Tim van der Zee & Justin Reich |Age and Ageing | Contacted (19/10/18) | Christopher Brydges | Aging & Mental Health | Contacted (19/10/18) | Christopher Brydges | Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment | contacted (20.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 65 co-signatories | American Journal of Audiology | Under consideration (15/06/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | American journal of speech-language pathology | Under consideration (15/06/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | American Speech | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Animal Behaviour | Contacted (18/2/19) | Ljerka Ostojic and 59 co-signatories | Animal Cognition | Contacted (18/2/19) | Ljerka Ostojic and 58 co-signatories | Annals of Dyslexia | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Annual Review of Applied Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics | Rejected (20.9.2018) | Hannah Fraser and 66 co-signatories | Aphasiology | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Applied Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Applied Psycholinguistics | Under consideration (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Archives of Acoustics | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Audiology & neuro-otology | Publisher Karger are considering this, also for other journals (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Behavior Research Methods | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Behavioural Ecology | Contacted (20.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 70 co-signatories | Behavioural Processes | Contacted (19/2/19) | Ljerka Ostojic and 58 cosignatories | Bilingualism: Language and Cognition | implemeted | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Biogeosciences | Contacted (20.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 62 co-signatories | Biolinguistics | Have now adopted (30.01.19) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Biological Conservation | Contacted (20.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 70 co-signatories | Biological Psychiatry | Contacted (20.6.18) | Elizabeth Braithwaite | Biology Letters | Contacted (18/2/19) Rejected (22/3/19) due to "1. lack of relevance to the type of studies published in the journal. 2. need to focus on currrent strengths and priorities. 3. concerns that nobody from their community would actually publish RRs" | Ljerka Ostojic and 57 cosignatories | BMC Evolutionary Biology | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 66 co-signatories | BMC Geriatrics | Contacted (19/10/18) | Christopher Brydges | Brain & Language | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | British Journal of Psychiatry | Planning to consider in 2019 (journal is currently streamlining basic editorial processes) | Elizabeth Braithwaite | Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History | Contacted (20.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 62 co-signatories | Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Cochlear implants international | Rejected | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Cognition | Under consideration (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Cognition & Instruction | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Cognitive Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Cognitive Neuropsychology | Under consideration (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz & 45 co-signatories | Cognitive Science | Under consideration (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Communication Research | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Communication Theory | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Computer Speech and Language | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Computers & Education | Under consideration | Chris Chambers & Tim van der Zee | Contemporary Journal of Educational Psychology | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Corpora | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Crisis- The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention | Under consideration (05.03.19) subject to approval at Crisis board meeting 09/19 | Olivia Kirtley, Caroline Daly, Tiago Zortea and Carl Morch | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience | Have now adopted (according to website) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Developmental Neuropsychology | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Developmental Psychobiology | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Developmental Psychology | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Diachronica | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Dialogue and Discourse | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Discourse | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Discourse Processes | Piloting RRs (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Diversity and Distributions | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | Dyslexia | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Ear & Hearing | Under consideration (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Early Childhood Research Quarterly | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Ecography | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | Ecological Applications | Contacted (2.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 70 co-signatories | Ecological Economics | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 64 co-signatories | Ecological Monographs | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 68 co-signatories | Ecology | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 73 co-signatories | Ecology and Evolution | Have adopted | Hannah Fraser and 73 co-signatories | Ecology Letters | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 74 co-signatories | Ecosystem Services | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 66 co-signatories | Ecosystems | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | English Language & Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | English World-Wide | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Ethology, Ecology and Evolution | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 64 co-signatories | EvoDevo | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 62 co-signatories | Evolution | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 73 co-signatories | Evolutionary Applications | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 65 co-signatories | Evolutionary Biology | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 67 co-signatories | Evolutionary Ecology | Contacted (28.9.18) | Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | First Language | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Frontiers in Communication | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | Frontiers in Psychology | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Functional Ecology | Contacted (12/7/18), Not currently considering (4.10.18) | Ljerka Ostojic and 12 cosignatories | Global Change Biology | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 71 co-signatories | Global Ecology and Biogeography | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | Glossa | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Hearing Research | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Innovation in Aging | Contacted (19/10/18) | Christopher Brydges | International Journal of Audiology | Under consideration (15/06/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | International Journal of Bilingualism | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | International Journal of Corpus Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | International Journal of Multilingualism | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | International Journal of Radiation Oncology * Biology * Physics | Contacted (06.6.19) | Michael Gensheimer | International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | International Psychogeriatrics | Contacted (19/10/18) | Christopher Brydges | International Review of Pragmatics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | ISME Journal | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 63 co-signatories | JAMA Psychiatry | Under consideration (21.06.18) | Elizabeth Braithwaite | Journal of the American Geriatric Society | Contacted (19/10/18) | Christopher Brydges | Journal of Animal Ecology | Not currently considering (4.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 72 co-signatories |Journal of Anxiety Disorders | Under consideration (updated 10/16/2019) | Lauren Hallion | Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Applied Ecology | Not currently considering (4.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 70 co-signatories | Journal of Applied Gerontology | Contacted (19/10/18) | Christopher Brydges | Journal of Behavioral Development | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Biogeography | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 67 co-signatories | Journal of Chemical Ecology | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 62 co-signatories | Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry | Rejected | See [here][3] | Journal of Cognition and Development | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience | Have now adopted (according to website) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Cognitive Psychology | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Communication | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of communication disorders | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Comparative Psychology | Contacted (18/2/19) waiting to hear more reports from other APA journals that already adopted before considering for next year (15/3/19) | Ljerka Ostojic and 58 co-signatories | Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science | Under consideration (15/06/2018) | Ian Hussey + 48 cosignatories | Journal of deaf studies and deaf education | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Journal of Educational Psychology | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of English Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Environmental Psychology | Rejected | Cameron Brick (help from Chris Chambers) | Journal of Evolutionary Biology | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 67 co-signatories | Journal of Experimental Child Psychology | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Experimental Education | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human, Perception, and Performance | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of French Language Studies | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology | Contacted (19/10/18) | Christopher Brydges | Journal of Germanic Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Historical Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Language Evolution | Under consideration (05.09.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Learning Disabilities | Under consideration (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Memory and Language | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Neurolinguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Phonetics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Pragmatics | Rejected (11.12.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Journal of Quantitative Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Research in Reading | Have now adopted | | Journal of the Scientific Studies of Reading | In the process of implementing | Xenia Schmalz & Chris Chambers | Journal of Semantics | Under Consideration (05.10.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Second Language Writing | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Semantics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Sociolinguistics | Rejected (27.03.19) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research | Under consideration (15/06/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 51 cosignatories | Journal of the American Academy of Audiology | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) - incoming board member interested in exploring the option | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology | Under consideration (15/06/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Journal of the International Phonetic Association | Under Consideration (08.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Journal of Vegetation Science | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 66 co-signatories | Journal of Vision | Under Consideration (6.6.19) | Manuel Spitschan and 39 co-signatories | Laboratory Phonology | In the process of implementation | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Landscape and Urban Planning | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 65 co-signatories | Landscape Ecology | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 65 co-signatories | Language | Under Consideration (08.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language Acquisition | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language and Cognition | In the process of implementation | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language and Speech | Have now adopted | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language Dynamics and Change | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language Learning and Development | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language Learning and Development | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Language Sciences | Rejected | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Language Teaching | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language Teaching Research | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language Testing | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Language Variation and Change | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Language, Cognition & Neuroscience | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Language, speech, and hearing services in schools | Under consideration (15/06/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Learning & Individual Differences | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Learning & Instruction | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Lexis, Journal in English Lexicology | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Lingua | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism | Under Consideration (08.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Linguistic Inquiry | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Linguistic Typology | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Linguistic Vanguard | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Linguistic Variation | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Linguistics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Linguistics and Philosophy | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Magnetic Resonance in Medicine | Contacted and presented to in October 2022, response = "No" | David Mellor | Memory & Cognition | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Methods in Ecology and Evolutions | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 68 co-signatories | Microbial Ecology | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 63 co-signatories | Modern Language Journal | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Molecular Ecology | Under Consideration (29.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | Molecular Ecology Resources | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 64 co-signatories | Morphology | Under Consideration (08.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Music Perception | Under consideration (31/05/2018) Have now adopted (16/07/2019) | Massimo Grassi, Anne Caclin, Barbara Tillmann, Daniele Schön | Natural Language and Linguistic Theory | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Natural Language Semantics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Neuropsychologia | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Noise & Health | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | OIKOS | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | Open Mind: Discoveries in Cognitive Science | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Organisms Diversity and Evolutions | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 64 co-signatories | Otology & neurotology | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Perception / i-Perception | Have now adopted (20/11/2018) | Pieter Moors & Chris Chambers | Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 65 co-signatories | Phonetica | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Phonological Data and Analysis | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Phonology | Under Consideration (08.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Psychological Medicine | Contacted (20.6.18) | Elizabeth Braithwaite | PLOS Biology | Have now adopted (01.08.19)| Hannah Fraser and 69 co-signatories | PLOS One | In the process of implementing (1.08.19) | Hannah Fraser and 70 co-signatories | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: USA | Contacted (11/07/19) | Xenia Schmalz and 250 co-signatories | Proceedings of the Royal Society B | Contacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 72 co-signatories | Proceedings of the Royal Society B | Contacted (18/2/19) Rejected (22/3/19) due to "1. lack of relevance to the type of studies published in the journal. 2. need to focus on currrent strengths and priorities. 3. concerns that nobody from their community would actually publish RRs" | Ljerka Ostojic and 57 cosignatories | Psychological Science | Have now adopted | Jim Grange | Psychology of Addictive Behaviors | Planning to consider in 2019-2020 under new EiC (EiC recently passed away midterm) | Joshua Grubbs | Psychoneuroendocrinology | Contacted (20.6.18) | Elizabeth Braithwaite | Radiotherapy and Oncology | Contacted (06.6.19) | Michael Gensheimer | Reading Psychology: An International Journal| Under consideration | Xenia Schmalz | Reading & Writing | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Reading Research Quarterly | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Remedial and Special Education | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Research in Developmental Disabilities | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Second Language Research | Under Consideration (08.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Semantics & Pragmatics | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Seminars in hearing | Rejected | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Seminars in speech and language | Rejected | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Speech communication | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Studies in Second Language Acquisition | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Syntax | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | The Mental Lexicon | Under consideration (19.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories | Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing | Awaiting response (15/06/2018 & 25/07/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Trends in Hearing | Under consideration (15/06/2018) | Tim Schoof + 50 cosignatories | Trials | Rejected (28/6/2018) | Erick Turner and Chris Chambers | Wildlife Monographs | Conacted (1.10.18) | Hannah Fraser and 64 co-signatories | World Englishes | Contacted (04.8.18) | Timo Roettger and 141 co-signatories | Written Language & Literacy | Contacted (18.6.18) | Xenia Schmalz and 45 co-signatories [1]: [2]: [3]:
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