# Repository Structure
## Analysis.ipynb
This file is a Jupyter notebook. It contains all the code necessary to reproduce the figures and results reported in the main manuscript.
To reproduce the analysis:
1. Clone the repository
2. Run `conda env create --name outliers --file environment.yml` to create a conda environment with all the required data and libraries. You will need to install the [Anaconda Distribution][2] first if you do not have it.
3. Activate the environment using `conda activate outliers` and run the notebook.
## Analysis.html
This file is an export of the Jupyter notebook. It also contains all the figures, code, and results, but is not interactive.
## Literature Survey
This folder contains the survey of the JEP:General paper containing the keyword "outlier" published in 2019 and 2020.
## Figures
This subfolder contains the figures of the paper.
## Buffer
This subfolder contains pre-computed data that would be computationally expensive to recompute. You can download and unzip these files if you want to use the pre-computed values: Otherwise, the code will re-generated them
from scratch.
* Buffered_pvals.zip contains the buffered p-values of the simulations.
* Traces_Across.zip and Traces_Within.zip contains the Bayesian traces of the simulations
* Traces_Summary_Across.csv and Traces_Summary_Within.csv contains the dataframes summarizing the Bayesian traces.
## Data
This subfolder contains the original data of Cao, Kong and Galinsky (2020),
retrieved from [the OSF repository of the paper][1].
[1]: https://osf.io/e8xnz/
[2]: https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/