## Variables ##
**General procedure**
- BlockList: 1 to 3 for each subject.
- Trial_Number: 1 to 48 for each
experimental block.
- CorrectAnswerMouse[Trial]: '1' left mouse button for the target in yellow; '2' right mouse button for the target in red.
- Target.RT: in milliseconds
- Target.RESP: the response executed by participants.
- Target.ACC: 1=correct response, 0=incorrect response.
**Factorial design for the embedded ANTI task**
- Tono[Trial]: variable for the warning condition (no tone, tone),
suitable for measuring the alerting effect.
- Cue [Trial]: variable for the cue condition (invalid, no cue, valid),
suitable for measuring the orienting effect.
- Congruency[Trial]: variable for the executive control condition
(congruent, incongruent), suitable for measuring the executive
control effect.
**Stimuli features and position**
- TargetColor[Trial]: color of the target (yellow/red).
- Distractcolor[Trial]: color of the flankers (yellow/red).
- TargetPosition[Trial]: the position of the target regarding the
fixation point (up/down).
- TargetImage[Trial]: reference of the target image contained in the
stimuli folder.
- CueImage[Trial]: reference of the cue image contained in the stimuli